Bee Line Hemp Wick Wickit Wand
Include for: $9.99
Include for: $9.99
Include for: $3.99
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Rolling your own joints is always better if you can get a filter in there. Those can be a little tough to get just right. Thankfully a box of them is not that much cash and will last you a long time. Presumably, you don't blaze through a hundred jays that quickly, if you do, then we salute you.
I love the tips . Bulk amount as well. Suggest it! Thanks again
As with most RAW products, the quality is exceptional. There wasn’t a single filter that was bent, crushed, or broken. They are sturdy and do their job as a filter well, but I do have one complaint. They are just a bit to small in diameter. When rolling on my own I found it difficult to make these work as they would slip out sometimes. I had a bit more success with a roller but not much. Overall they are a good product and if anything would recommend buying them for the tin that they come in.