The Arizer Go, or ArGo vaporizer, is a straightforward dry herb vape that delivers big hits of vapor from an all-glass vapor path. This handheld weed vape uses a conduction heating system to accurately vaporize the herb that is packed in the bottom of the vapor tube that also functions as the mouthpiece. The ArGo has simple controls for power and precise temperature regulation.
The ArGo features a convenient glass pod system that allows you to pack and go. Each unit comes with two glass pods/mouthpieces, a charger, several screens, a battery, and a carrying case. The swappable 18650 battery provides about 1.5 hours of continuous use, delivering smooth terpene-rich hits.
Patented hybrid heating technology
Swappable high-capacity batteries
All-glass heating path
Push-top glass mouthpiece protection
Custom Session Settings
Precise Digital Temperature Control
Able to use while pass-through charging
Manufacturer Warranty
Dimensions: 2in x 1in x 3.7in
Lifetime warranty on the heating element
Limited 2-Year warranty covering defects in materials or workmanship